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GM Sectec appointed to the PCI SSC Brazil Regional Engagement Board 2024-2025

We are delighted to announce that GM Sectec has been selected for the second cycle in a row to join the 2024-2025 PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) Brazil Regional Engagement Board GM Sectec is among 34 representatives chosen to serve on the Brazil Regional Engagement Board. In this role, Eduardo Justo will represent the perspectives of PCI SSC Participating Organizations and PCI SSC constituents in Brazil, advising and providing feedback and guidance to the PCI SSC on standards and programs development and adoption in Brazil.
The 2024-2025 Brazil Regional Engagement Board has expanded to welcome this select group of organizations and their leaders, bringing a valuable set of skills and experience to the table. Collaborating with GM Sectec and fellow Board members is crucial in fortifying the foundation of secure payments for the future.”
Regional Engagement Boards serve as advisors to the PCI SSC on payment data security issues in specific geographies and markets. They represent PCI SSC Participating Organizations and industry stakeholders from regions where increased input and engagement is needed to foster broad adoption of PCI Security Standards and improve payment security.
“The expanded PCI SSC Brazil Regional Engagement Board gives us even greater insight into the payment data security issues, trends, and market changes in the region,” says Gina Gobeyn, Executive Director of PCI SSC. “Improving and increasing industry involvement - in Brazil and around the world - in the development of PCI Standards and resources is critical to the Council’s mission to enhance global payment security.”
Speaking about GM Sectec´ s inclusion, SVP & Managing Director- Octavio Osorio ” said: “Our participation in this important board serves as a commitment to fostering a secure and compliant ecosystem across payment systems. We are honored to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of PCI compliance and ensuring the continued protection of cardholder data.”
About the PCI Security Standards Council
The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) is a global forum that brings together payments industry stakeholders to develop and drive adoption of data security standards and resources for safe payments worldwide.