PCI Compliance as a Service & WebShield

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is one of the world’s most prescriptive technical standards, and it continues to evolve to better address and progress payment security.

PCI Compliance as a Service & WebShield


Have you been told your organization needs to comply with certain information privacy and/or security standards, such as PCI and others? If so, you may find yourself quickly overwhelmed with all the requirements.

For bringing people, processes and technology into compliance you can rely on GM Sectec as a PCI Compliance validation leader across the entire payment model worldwide.


  • PCI DSS 3.2 SAQ Validation Portal
  • PCI ASV Scanning Services
  • Multi-Language Support
  • SAQ Selection Wizard
  • Policy & Procedure Templates via Instant Download
  • Compliance Certificates via Instant Download
  • Digitally sign Attestation of Compliance (AOC) on the screen
  • Automated report generation that sends out from the system by date
  • Custom Dashboards for Administrator hierarchy


Features & Benefits - Secure by Design
  • Customize Auto Email Alerts
  • Unlimited Scanning (Up to 6 IPs)
  • Online Tutorial
  • Online Reference Library
  • Chain merchants together for simplicity
  • Immediate high level status of Portfolio(s)
  • Compliance Levels

Merchant Acquiring PCI Snapshot

GM Sectec PCI Compliance Assurance Program

Have you been told your organization needs to comply with certain information privacy and/or security standards, such as PCI and others? If so, you may find yourself quickly overwhelmed with all the requirements. This Guide will help you reach compliance easier.

Tear Sheet


Comply with Rules and Regulations

To safeguard the integrity of the payment system, the major credit card associations maintain a constantly updated set of rules with which their members have to comply, or incur severe penalties.

Knowing these regulations and organizing your on-boarding, underwriting and monitoring processes accordingly is essential if you want to maintain the integrity of your merchant portfolio.

PCI Compliance as a Service  & WebShield

Safe Harbor

Web Shield is a member of Mastercard's MMSP program. This means as a principal member you benefit from BRAM and Transaction Laundering Safe Harbor.
PCI Compliance as a Service  & WebShield

Local Regulations

Local laws should be the basis for any monitoring regime. The products/services a merchant offers have to be legal in every jurisdiction they are offered in.

PCI Compliance as a Service  & WebShield


Visa's Global Brand Protection Program mandates a legality check for products and services as well as an eCommerce website review.
PCI Compliance as a Service  & WebShield


Mastercard's Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation program gives acquirers more autonomy, but also defines high-risk businesses that require enhanced due diligence.


"We are providing a leading PCI Compliance company with local context, that is why we have partnered with GM Sectec"

Mike Vizcarrondo Chief Commercial Officer Puerto RIco & Caribbean Evertec